I still can't believe none of my sisters nor my mother told me about what was happening. My hair began way past my shoulders when I started high school. When I finished, my hair had several layers, many that were above my shoulders. About a year out of high school, all of my hair was above my shoulders, without ever getting a haircut.
There are several blogs out there that warn about styling your hair every day. I never believed them and thought that hair could only get shorter by cutting it. Boy, was I wrong! Because I was so into blow drying and straightening my hair, I was damaging it every time from the heat without even realizing it. I hardly ever let my boyfriend see me with my natural hair, so I just thought I had to have it straight whenever I was with him. Another thing I was wrong about: he loves me no matter how my hair is (we got married years later and I hardly ever have my hair down straight).
Blow dryers put out such hot and forceful heat that is bad for your hair. I've learned from many hairstylists that you should never use a blow dryer on high heat, NEVER. I use mine on low heat but on high speed. This way it does not get hot enough to burn or damage my hair. I never want to go back to hair that has damaged and split ends, that falls off in inches at a time, and that gives itself layers!
So how did I fix my horrible hair? I researched all different kinds of products, talked to friends that are hairstylists, and went in to salons to see what they suggested. The end result? Moroccan Oil Restorative Hair Mask.
It is quite pricy, at $46 for an 8.5oz bottle. However, I purchased mine off Amazon for cheaper. It is SO worth it though!!!
You lather it all over your wet/damp hair at the beginning of your shower (wait about ten minutes by washing your face, shaving your legs, etc) and then rinse it out. It makes your hair feel amazing and somehow heals your damaged ends. It strengthened all of my hair and made it feel thick again. It took about a month or two of using it in every other shower I took. My hair was feeling healthier and I learned to let my hair air dry since this was much better for it. I also learned to take advantage of the curl in my hair and wear it with its natural curl once in a while. I use Bumble & Bumble's Curl Conscious Foam. It makes the top layer of my hair that never wants to curl hold a wave!
After using the hair mask for about six months, my hair was back to its normal self. It was of course still short, but it was able to grow finally! Every time now that I use a heat tool (curling iron, blow dryer, straightener, crimper) on my hair I always spray it first with CHI Iron Guard. This can be purchased at just about any store. I'm sure there are other brands than Moroccan Oil, Bumble & Bumble, and CHI of these kinds of products, but these are just what I have found to work the best. I have tried the knockoff brands and they just don't do the trick.
Learn to put your hair in braids, buns, or ponytails. Let it air dry the majority of the time! I only blow dry my hair now about once a week and always use my Iron Guard spray. Lately everyone has been telling me how long and healthy my hair looks. That is what I want to hear!
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